Adult – $12
Child (3-12) – $7
Under 3 – Free
Kite Rental – $5 (or bring your own – We encourage you to dust off that old kite waiting for years in the basement/shed/attic for a nice day with a good breeze.)
Can’t afford our prices, but still want to come visit? Times are tough.. we get it. Spending a little time with your family can be expensive. Contact us Maybe we could work something out…We could always use a bit of help. Small business owner/artisan with a product or service? We love a good trade..
Have a Question? Try Here –> Frequently asked Questions
For More on our Sunflower Maze —> Sunflower Maze
How that $12 is divided*

*One of our most popular review comments is about our cost of admission. To address them, all along with future ones, our admission price reflects our cost to run our business.
Over the last 12 years we have only raised our admission price once.. because we had no other choice but to. In those 12 years, a can of paint went from $14.99 to $31.99. A small packet of coloured sunflower seeds went from $1.99 to $3.99, and our kites have risen from $11.99 to $16.99. Fuel.. that went up too.. by way too much. Tractor parts too. Real Plywood? Who can afford that nowadays? Other prices that rose like the tide in the river? Our Website fees, the cost to print flyers/posters, advertising online through Social Media right down to internet and banking fees.
Every Year we plant new seeds, paint new signs, and over the years, have added new sections for a longer, prettier season.. we work in our fields from March until November, from dawn to dusk. Unlike a Corn Maze, which is planted once, in the same spot every year, and left to grow, we plant six sections of sunflowers, moving our whole field, buildings and all, every 2 years. Every week in June and July is spent harrowing, planting, and rock picking. Our design is put in with a fence post grid, and carved out in the field with our antique tractor.
We are not making a mint, or overcharging for a photo.. we are simply trying to keep our family farm operating, and if we can.. make a little extra so we can fix the roof on our barns, or build a better greenhouse. It’s still cheaper than a trip to the movie theatre.. And you can spend all day if you want to.
All that being said.. it has always been our policy that if you can’t afford to pay our admission prices, we are always willing to work out something else. Want to trade? or Lend a hand? (Rock-Picking is fun) Need to access the Pay it Forward Fund? Just send Jen a message, and we can see what we can do to help you reach your sunflower dreams.