Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When do you open?
A. We open when the first section of our sunflowers begin to open around the middle of August. The flowers take their time opening to the sun.. and we like to open when they begin to give photographer and sunflower lovers a chance to see the birth of the sunflower.. so if it’s Full Yellow you are looking for.. visit us later in our season.
Q. When is ‘Full-Bloom’?
A. As Sunflowers have such a short cycle, we plant in stages.. to give us a chance at a longer season of pretty.. the first week the flower blooms.. they are so fresh, smiling at the sun.. but by the end of the second week their heads look towards the ground and the petals start to fall. We plant Four 1-acre sections, one a week, throughout our planting season, so we have new fresh Blooms throughout August and September. So while our flowers do not bloom all at once.. we do have a short period of ‘Full Yellow’ where the whole flower field is a beautiful shade of yellow. “Full-Yellow’ is around the End of August to the beginning of September. Follow us on Social Media to watch the flowers grow.
Q. Is a Sunflower Maze similar to a Corn Maze?
A. Sort of.. in that it is a crop we cut paths into.. but different in that a Sunflower Maze is more .. um.. Zen-like.. Where a corn maze is a place you can actually Get Lost.. for a couple hours.. physically.. a Sunflower maze is a place where you metaphorically Get Lost.. in their beauty, in their fragility, and in the peace of the moment during your walk. Our flowers are not so tall you cannot see over them.. most of them are 5-6 ft tall. We grow an oil seed variety that is shorter. The tall ones are nice.. but don’t have the strength in their stalk to keep them upright throughout the whole season.. a lesson we learned the hard way two days before opening our first season.
Q. What is there to do besides the sunflowers?
A. Nothing. Well.. we do have kites to fly, soccer croquet, and a really great sandpile.. but if you are looking for more.. That’s not our style.. We offer a field of flowers to get lost in.. and an old fashioned step back in time… like when you were a kid before wifi and it’s devices ruled your life.. We offer nothing but a moment of peace, a walk through a field of sunflowers, while watching the tide rise or fall.. and the cows across the pasture. If you are lucky, a butterfly might stop by for a visit before fluttering off or the Eagles will put on a lovely show above the barn with the Starlings and their Murmurations. Is it worth it? We like to think so.. We encourage guests to bring a picnic.. and spend the day reconnecting with their loved ones. Go ahead.. fly that kite! if you happen to still be bored.. we have colouring books (along with novels to read) in the shed.. along with play dough.. and a few other crafty things to keep you or your little ones occupied.
Q. Can I just take a picture? (#1 Most Asked Question)
A. No. Sorry… I know it’s just a picture for you.. and yes.. I know it’s a beautiful one to be had… But for us… it’s not “just a picture”… that picture is a whole summer’s worth of work. We work hard as a family, from May- October, out in the elements, be it baking in the hot sun, or soaking in a surprise downpour to share that view with you. Don’t we deserve a little more than a photo we will never see? We charge an admission fee to cover the cost of running the field, as well as to pay for insurance, and those fabulously well-cleaned portapotties. We also have an ‘easy’ path just for people who just want to snap a photo. If you like the view enough to save it in a photo.. please support the local family who created it for you.. this way we can do it all again next year.. and maybe if there is a little extra.. support two little girls in their 4h dreams. 🙂
Q. Are Dogs Allowed?
A. No... Sorry.. We do not allow dogs on our property. We love them.. just not in our field. The Mama cows with their newborns in the field next door would also prefer your pups not to visit (The scent of another coyote-like predator makes them a bit nervous, especially the new Mamas).
Hantsport has a lovely Dog Park.. if you are looking for a spot to take your pup for a day out… Take a walkabout town and stop at the Barking Bean for ice-cream for you.. and your fur-child too.
We also offer Puppy-sitting if given advanced notice.. (Our 12 & 14 yr old girls don’t mind Puppy sitting your well-behaved pup by the shed while you enjoy your walk in the field.)
Q. Are Cats allowed? What about Bunnies?
A. We do allow Cats (on a leash).. as long as they leave with you when you go. (Dumping Kitties on Farms is a big No-no… while we loved fostering Petal the pregnant kitty.. we do hope she is the last kitty dumped on our farm. If you have a kitty.. or any animal you can no longer home.. Contact the SPCA who have an open admission policy, as well as being a no-kill shelter.)
We have welcomed Bunnies, and small Dragons as well in the past.. as long as they are contained in some way. Dogs have whole parks.. the other animals must feel a bit left out sometimes.
Q. Are there bees at Dakeyne Farm?
A. Yes we have bees… Thankfully we have so many different varieties.. Bumblebees, sweat bees, honey bees… a few mason bees too.. They hum while working making that field of flowers will sing to your soul during your walk.
Q. I want to visit the maze but am worried about bees. Will they bother me?
A. No, they are too busy collecting pollen, drinking nectar, and making honey. They are hard little workers.. busy gathering and stocking their hives for the winter ahead… who.. if you don’t bother them.. won’t bother you.
Q. Won’t I get stung by a bee?
A. Not unless they feel threatened… or you are standing in their food. Don’t go off the path into the Flowers for your photo.. stay on the paths.. to prevent any accidental bee stings.
You can still get that photo you want.. safely.. as the paths are designed with photos in mind.. allowing you to shoot through them.. and over them.. without having to be IN them.
While a sting might be painful for you, it is a death sentence for the bee… and they know it. They will warn you before they sting.. usually with a bump.. telling you to stop, or else.
Q. What do I do if a bee is buzzing around me?
A. Stop… Realize it is mistaking you for a beautiful flower.. don’t wave at it.. that just confuses it even more. Just whistle a Thank you & Let it go on its way… A whistle lets the bee know that while beautiful, you’re not a flower. Enjoy the compliment.
Q. I’m still nervous about the bees… what else can I do?
A. Without the bees, we would not have sunflowers to walk through… nor would we have most of the food we eat. Thank a Bee when you see it.. One in three bites of food is only possible because of all their hard work… and really… sitting in a field of sunflowers with only the sound of bees hard at work is a pretty awe-inspiring moment.
Our Bees do most of their work at the beginning of the maze, so by the end, as the flowers start to turn into seeds the bees find other sources of pollen. If you are afraid of our little pets, come later in the season. By the third week, most of the bees have moved on.
If it still worries you… you can take a few steps to be extra sure they won’t confuse you for a flower.. by wearing white (like us beekeepers do) and forgoing any heavy scents (perfume is made from flowers… and confuses our bee friends.) If you have hair “wild Irish” hair like my grandfather said I do… keep it tied back, or wear a hat. (Wear a hat anyways.. the sun can be hot in the field.)
Still scared but want to see the flowers? You can borrow my beekeeping suit. Just ask at the shed.
Q. Butterflies? Is this the butterfly farm?
A. No.. but we do host an annual butterfly release… and have plenty of native butterflies fluttering about at all times.
Q. What can we do at a visit to your farm?
A. Depends on the season of your visit. If you time your visit to when our Sunflower Maze is in operation (mid-August to Mid-September.. weather depending), then you have even more to look forward to. For visits in off-season times such as winter, please call ahead. Please remember we are still a working farm, but we are happy to show you around when we’re available. We welcome tours and visits.
Q. I’m interested in selling my own handmade/artisanal items at your sunflower maze. Can I become a vendor?
A. Yes, we welcome vendors to set up in our field of sunflowers. This can vary each year, but we generally charge a small fee for a table for a weekend. Contact Jen @ to make arrangements or inquiries. She’s also looking for Vendors for the Hantsport Pop-up Market which runs every Saturday through the growing season (June -September)
Q. Can I get married in your field of sunflowers?
A. Yes! (Who wouldn’t want to?) In fact, we have a few happy folks who’ve done just that. The field is also available for other types of events as well, and we can even (with enough notification) rent you a “room” within the sunflowers.
The sunflowers are also amazing for other events like birthday parties, engagements, and professional or amateur photo shoots. Just let us know what you’re planning and we’ll try to oblige.
Q. Your photos are beautiful. Can I use them?
Check out some of our photos on our site, or facebook or flickr for even more. We don’t mind if you use our photos for your own personal purposes, but we would ask you to please not remove our watermarks, and to refer back to their original source.
Q. What type of cows do you raise?
A. We raise a special breed of cows, called Belted Galloways. They’re a heritage breed from southern Scotland. They’re sometimes called “belties” or “oreos” because of their distinctive white belt. You can read more about the breed itself on this wikipedia page. We sell 100% Grass-fed Galloway beef at the farm. Contact Us to find out more
Q. What else is there to do in your area (Windsor, Hantsport, Falmouth)?
A. There are all kinds of activities, suitable for families and individuals, in our area. Check our Links page for lots of tourism suggestions!