Butterfly Cage

Build Your Own Butterfly Cage


Its super simple… except if your standing on a windy hill.

You will need:
2 small paper plates
1 square meter of bridal veil
2 strings of equal length
A stick
A glue gun







Lay the fabric flat. Fold one side halfway across. Bring the other side over so that you have a rectangle.


Place one string almost at the top of the rectangle.  Gather the end and tie the string with a knot.


Do the same at the bottom.


Find the opening and put one paper plate to each end. You might will need a glue gun to secure those suckers in place.









Put that stick in, or maybe a small butterfly friendly plant (use aluminum pie plates if that’s the case) and close up the door.

When your caterpillar forms a chrysalis, you will pin the paper to the mesh and wait for it to hatch.

★ this cage is intended for in door use only. ★

We purchased our caterpillars from Lucy’s Butterfly farm

About Jen

The writer of this Blog is Jen.. Other Half of Ken, Second Son of Annie & Donnie. I like to jam and bake, and thought this might be the appropriate place to share my recipes.. Some are treasured family favorites, while others are "I wonder if this will taste good" recipes. If your interested in a bottle of homemade goodness and don't have time to make it yourself, please feel free to message me: Sunflowers@DakeyneFarm.com