Want to win two free passes to next years Sunflower Maze? See your photo in a Calendar?
Enter our 2017 Calendar Contest
Send your favorite two photos* that you took while visiting our farm** to Contest@DakeyneFarm.com by September 30th for a chance to be in our 2017 Sunflower Maze Calendar as well as two free passes to our 2017 Sunflower Maze.
We will post the pictures in one album on Facebook October 1st for everyone to vote with their ‘like’ button. Top 12 most liked photos will go in our calendar 🙂
*I know.. it’s hard to pick just two.…
**It doesn’t have to be of a sunflower.. just your favorite from your visit with us. I know at least few of you took some really great kite photos..
The rules?
The photo must have been taken on our property (although.. we would be willing to let in pictures of artwork inspired by our Sunflowers and Farm)
Open to both Amateur and Professional photographers
To Edit.. or Not to edit.. that is your choice..
Photos must be in by deadline.. no late entrees allowed.. It just wouldn’t be fair to everyone else..
Just send two.. I know.. it’s hard.. I would have a hard time too narrowing down just two of my own.. so I understand.. really.. but please only send two.. I’d hate to pick the wrong ones for you.
- Lady bug
- Growing up in a field of Sunflowers
- Ready to open